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OTEC Africa founder presenting at the International Conference on Ocean Energy
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Call for papers
Submission for grants
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OTEC Africa Conference 2013
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OTEC Africa web site opens
OTEC Africa project launched
OTEC Africa project proposed


OTEC Africa project proposed

This day, a new aid project has been born. It concerns the use of OTEC, a hundred-year-old but litle known technology for extracting energy from sea water. As an added benefit, the sea water can easily be desalienated, thus produce thousands of cubic meters of fresh water every day.

OTEC only works where the difference between the ocean surface and the deep water is at least 25 degrees Celsius, and for this reason, countries near the equator would benefit the most from the use of OTEC.

The reasoning behind this project is that this technology would benefit several developing countries in Africa, such as Tanzania and Kenya. Hence, we who stand behind this project would like to invite representatives from governments and aid institutions, from the construction and energy industries, and from the research community to make OTEC Africa possible.