Electrified village in Tanzania, photo by Linus Hammar


From this page, some material related to OTEC can be downloaded. The material is free of charge and produced by OTEC Africa. Please let us know if you plan to reuse the material (so we can possibly write a news item about it), and please give us credit for our work.

Printed material

OTEC Matters

The fist volume of OTEC Matters, released in February 2015 and featuring a dozen unique papers on OTEC, was a big success and also a statement that OTEC research is of enough intereest to deserve a dedicated publication. The publication is downloadable for free from the OTEC Matters web page.


Presentation given at the 3rd international symposium on OTEC

The following link is to a video presentation of OTEC Africa and the University of Borås. The speech was given by OTEC Africa founder Petter Dessne, and it was aired at the third international symposium on OTEC, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 2015.

In order to view and listen to the presentation you will need PowerPoint or the free PowerPoint Viewer installed on your system. The narrated presentation provides a 15-minute overview of who we are, what we are currently doing, and what we are trying to achieve. Click or possibly right-click to download the file, which is found here. Note that it's about 30 MB in size.

Poster for the 4th international symposium on OTEC

This link is for the poster created for the 4th international symposium on OTEC, held in the Netherlands in October 2016. In the poster, ideas for a new OTEC Research Center at the University of Borås, Sweden, is argued for. Download the high-resolution poster (4 MB) here.

Miscellaneous material


During work on the fist volume of OTEC Matters, it became apparent that there were no good, free-to-use, vector-based graphics of how OTEC technology works. We have tried to rectify this with the two drawings found below (and used on the Technology page).

Click this link to get schematics of closed-cycle OTEC and open-cycle OTEC as .svg files and also their underlying Visio files.

Files with the .svg extension are vector graphics, meaning they can be used in any resolution (for example, in a journal). As stated above, they are free to use, but please give appropriate credit.

The OTEC Africa logotype

If you want to spread the word about our organization, then please use the logotype, available here both in a vector graphics format and as a reasonably large .png file.

Click this link to download the OTEC Africa logotype as an .svg file and its pixel based equivalent.