OTEC Africa Conference Home

OTEC Africa Conference 2013

Borås, Sweden 15-16 October


The School of Business and IT web site

Runde Environmental Centre

OTEC Africa main web site

Thanks to:

otecnews.org: Your in-depth source of information for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion

allconferences.com: Directory of Conferences, conventions,  exhibits, seminars, workshops, events, trade shows and business  meetings. Includes calendar, dates, location, web site, contact and  registration information.

Reference group

The reference group for the conference include people from the OTEC techonology, funding/finance, and sustainability fields:

- Lars Golmen, Runde Centre, Norway: OTEC and related technologies
- Linus Hammar, Chalmers Technical University, Sweden: OTEC, sustainability, and humanitarian research
- Larry Awosika, Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, Nigeria; United Nations (CLCS), USA: Oceanography in Africa, environment studies
- Tim Hogan, Alden Labs, USA: Sustainability issues
- Daniel Yar Hamidi, University of Borås, Sweden: Financing and networking research

We are very grateful to these nice people for sharing their expertise!

Fisherman, photo by Linus Hammar